Friday, September 3, 2010

MotoSloth: Day 1 of Rider's Edge Class

Day 1 of the Rider's Edge Harley Davidson class consisted of introductions and getting acquainted with the 9 guys (it's actually 10 guys if you count Wiseman) and 2 other women taking the course and discussing scenarios and the do's and don'ts and shoulda's and coulda's of various, god awful, motorcycle accident scenarios.

I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of a snore.  However, the anticipation of operating a motorcycle for the first time grows by the minute.

Here are a couple of questions we were supposed to answer last night:
  • List 3 things you hope to gain from the Rider's Edge Course.
My answer:
      1. I hope to learn how to operate a motorcycle since that's kind of a major factor in actually riding a motorcycle... hopefully riding up the coast with the wind in my face and dolphins swimming up the coast accompanying me.  And unicorns galloping along side me.
      2. I'd like to learn how to avoid dying.  More specifically, I'd like to learn how to avoid motorcycling accidents.  Even more specifically, I'd like to learn how to avoid getting hit by a moving vehicle that is larger than a motorcycle.
      3. Most importantly, I'd like learn how to be a true bad ass.  Like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider or Brigitte Bardot in... in I guess real life.  She's bad ass.  I would like to be able to achieve that level of bad assery that is depicted in movies and posters and music videos, first by learning how to ride a motorcycle, then learning how to smoke cigarettes.
The second question was:
  • List 3 things you are concerned about in taking the Rider's Edge course.
My answer:
      1. I'm a little worried that I won't be very good at this.  Or that I may not enjoy it as much as I do in my mind where I'm riding up some coast, wearing a black leather jumpsuit, and with unicorns by my side.
      2. I'm concerned my mother will find out about it.
      3. Dying.
In regards to the #2 answer in above list:
  • My mother believes I'm attending a class for work, training to improve my career.
  • My mother has a slightly misconfigured gauge of danger and incapable of understanding "calculated risks" and nearly gave birth to a full grown cow when I told her I was going Go-Karting.
  • I would have no need for a helmet if my mother found out I was learning to ride a motorcycle cause she would rip my head off my body.
  • Tee hee

tonight is the second class, and Wiseman and I will be there...ready to ride.  Well not really, but I reckon we'll be ready to at least learn to ride or something.

AND, I am happy there are other women in the class that have the same desire to cruise down tarmac on two wheels... with a unicorn by their side.  They both seem younger, so they may not be experiencing the same sort of early-onset-midlife-crisis thing that I seem to be going through, but whatever, we all seem to be really excited to be there.

ALSO, I have yet to reveal this desire, but I think it's obvious:
I want to take a motorbike road trip adventure with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman... and Wiseman can come too, I guess.  This is ultimately what I hope to accomplish in life at the moment.  That and ride alongside a unicorn.  All goals that are within reach I think.

I'll try to take some pictures of class and post them up soon...

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