- a gigantic convention for companies to display new technologies for broadcasters, television, radio, blah blah.
- a gigantic gathering of geeks in the entertainment and media industry.
- an excuse to go drink free cocktails at the roulette table while you gamble your paycheck away.
- The airport is generally a mad house because people from all over the world fly in for this convention.
- costs about as much to fly as it does to drive.
- I can leave whenever I want.
- And I quite enjoy the drive.
- Got pulled over
- Got a ticket
- I set my cruise at 80mph.
- every year there's roughly 200 gazillion people who drive to this convention from Los Angeles.
- knowing this is the second largest convention Las Vegas hosts, state troopers are always on high alert on the highways.
- I know these things and would prefer not to get a ticket, thus jacking up my already ridiculously high insurance.
- a red Toyota happily blew by me at the precise moment the state trooper apparently "clocked" me at 94mph.
- at the time I noticed the state trooper starting to pull out into the highway, I had just passed him on the other side of a semi truck... which was impeding his view of my car when he had supposedly "clocked" me.
- I assumed he was pulling out to go after the obviously speeding red Toyota.
- But I was obviously wrong.
- I disputed him with the aforementioned facts.
- However, Officer Kruptky informed me that he is, in fact, trained to, first and foremost, hone his visual spidey senses to apprehend speed violators.
- Officer Kruptky was adamant about my 94mph speed.
Why would he do that if he was so sure I was doing 94mph?
What, he thought my contentious attitude was charming??
Damn straight I'm going to dispute this ticket, Officer Kruptky...see you in hell - better known as Nevada. Maybe I can get the court case transferred to Los Angeles. I don't know how these things work...CAUSE I'VE NEVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET IN NEVADA IN THE 100 TIMES THAT I'VE DRIVEN THROUGH THE STATE. That should tell ya somethin'.
On the bright side, I'm up $100.
Lesson learned:
- You gotta lose big to win big.
- You gotta risk it to win the biscuit.
- Gambling is a stupid thing.
Oh... and NAB - the rave:
- 3D
- 3D
- 3D
- Short lived
- a novelety in a couple of years
And I'm putting $100 on black. Or $50 on black and $50 on red.
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