Tuesday, March 16, 2010

EuroTrip 2010: Day 5 - Redemption

  • Technically, Day 5 started at the medieval cave bar of ex-patriots and the Irish lesbian, Anne Marie, boozing us up with what I think was the nectar of the gods.  But, I'm going to say that Day 5 started with Carl, Wiseman, and I waking up at noon to find Carl's camera missing.
  • We searched high and low, and several possibilities ran through our minds:
    • Anne Marie was in cahoots with the ex-patriots and running a complicated scheme of luring unsuspecting tourists and herding them into a medieval cave bar to booze them up to have a fun time and distract them while the 20 year old bartender from Iowa lifts our belongings.
    • Anne Marie's groping and accosting was actually a really slick camera lifting technique.
    • or Carl was drunk and just left his camera at the cave bar.
  • We found all options potentially possible, and we were convinced whatever had happened,  we would probably never see Carl's very expensive camera ever again.
BUT WAIT... it occurs to me:
  1. I am a communication super star and can become fast friends with just about anyone I meet - with the exception of the old, crazy, french graffiti-ing man.
  2. Lesbians love me - Anne Marie doesn't seem to have been an exception.
  3. and OMG, she gave me her email address!!
  • Wiseman emails her about the camera
  • Also we find her on facebook and try to friend her.  She really seemed to want LA friends.
Whil we wait in anticipation for her reply, we decide we should go out and explore.
To my delight, we come across some familiar graffiti!

I sure hope it's him.
Anyway, we move on to the Museum Quai Branly:
  • The museum was creepy on the inside
  • but quite nice on the outside.
  • much like myself
 They had an exhibit on Sex, Death and Sacrificial Rituals: Hhhhhot.
There a bunch of old sculptures, but I failed to take pictures cause I'm not very good at documenting, and this blog thing is kinda exhausting.
Anyway - it was spooky, but interesting.
On the way to the museum, we did the stereotypical touristy crap and looked up at a giant steel structure:

So by this time, we ... RECEIVED A REPLY FROM ANNE MARIE!!! AND OMG, SHE HAS THE CAMERA!!!  We schedule a meeting time and a place.

  • She tells us to meet her at a place called Les Jackasses, or at least that's how I read it as.  The Jackasses.
  • We think this is intentional.
  • it is a Lesbian bar.
  • She's late.  Anne Marie is late.
  • We think it's another set up.  We think she's watching us.  
  • I think we're going to get jumped by the ex-patriots
  • Carl and Wiseman think they're going to get accosted by some lesbians
  • I wait outside and do some reconnaissance
  • And I get the piss scared out of me when Anne Marie comes up behind me and shouts "HEY!"
She got there late, but oh my googly moogly goodness, she brought the camera.
She's swell.  I now wait for her to accept my facebook friend request.  My new Paris friend: an Irish, ex-patriot, lesbox, crazy, crass, awesome, friend.  Go to Pure Malt and say Hi to Anne Marie.   
4, Rue Caron
75004 Paris, France
+33 1 42 76 03 77

Later that night we took a boat tour.  This is where I found my camera to be:
  • awful in low light
  • awful in moving boats
  • has awful menu items to help with these awful things.
However, I still took pictures and consider them to be:
  • artistically blurry
  • tastefully exposed
  • beautifully framed

After the tour, we were fucking cold and starving.  So we walked around until we found a little hole in the wall Chinese restaurant that was full of Asians, which we found reassuring.
So we walked in to find ourselves being escorted to a private room!
This room had these pictures hanging in it:
 and we had this to eat:
So, here's what we thought about this:
  • Initially we thought that we scored with the private room
  • The dumplings and soup was good, so we were looking forward to our meal
  • As we started digging into our meal, it started dawning on us that maybe we were seated in a private room away from others so that we couldn't compare our meal to other people's... because:
    • Carl and Wiseman's chicken dishes were more bones than chicken.
    • Carl and Wiseman both considered their dishes very dangerous and could have caused:
      • internal bleeding
      • severe esophageal damage
      • death
  • The meal was stressful and unsatisfying
  • I had pig knuckles, so they couldn't really fuck that up too much... it's already kind of fucked up.
After the potentially deadly meal, we headed back home.  We stopped by a crepe stand to get something soft to eat.
  • Carl had a cheese 
  • Wiseman had something... I can't remember
  • and I had the Critrusy Lemony goodness one.  It was delicious.  And safe to eat.
Day 6 was going to have to start early, so we got home to pack and hit the sack.

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