Wednesday, March 10, 2010

EuroTrip 2010: Day 3

Woke up late to find Carl gone.  He abandoned us for a cafe run.
Eventually we caught up with him at about 1:30 and headed for the Pompidou Center.
On the way we discovered some more... GRAFFITI!  I can only presume it was by the same crazy old man.

The Pompidou was great... amazing sculptures and installations that I've only seen in pictures in the past- and now I'll show them to you in pictures:

A Joseph Beuys installation that was pretty amazing...panorama picture to come soon, but for now here's pieces:

And still some more:

The view from the top of the Pompidou:

 I still haven't gotten in trouble at this point.  I didn't touch anything that I wasn't supposed to at the gallery, I didn't talk loudly.  This is a new record.  Assimilation on route to success...oo la la voila!

The Pompidou:
 Antes de Pompidou, we headed to Montmartre:

En route, we kept our eyes peeled for graffiti:

This isn't really graffiti, but at first glance I thought it was the crazy old man's work.  I just thought I'd post it anyway because I couldn't find anymore of his graffiti work anywhere.  Voila!
Also, I've come to realize "voila!" is much like the phrase "forget about it".  It has a variety of different meanings and used in so many different ways.  I am trying to practice the proper usage of the phrase.  I've found this is also something the locals frown upon.

Anyway, onward to Montmartre and the Dali museum:

There were a whole lot of fucking stairs to the top...


After Montmartre and Dali, we headed home for some rest before dinner:
You can't really see it in these picutres, but the sky was a dreamy magenta.  Almost like god had farted clouds of pepto bismol...or something.

After dreamy pink clouds of fart and another bottle of wine, we went to dinner and had a traditional helping of escargot.
It was pretty delicious.
Picture to come tomorrow...


  1. I'm so happy you're having a good time! Thanks for blogging about the trip. For a little while, I can, voila, pretend that I am there too, voila,looking at God's farts in the sky and, voila, eating snails.

  2. You haven't discovered "putaine" yet? The ultimate word used for everything!!! Or for you, "putaine merde"... I bet the locals will be even more flabbergasted...
